Thursday, 2 October 2008

Is John McCain losing it?

Obama's poll numbers are rising "because life isn't fair."
Apparently Mr. McCain doesn't know that "life wasn't meant to be easy" as Mr. Malcolm Fraser a former Australian Prime Minister, had once said.

Mr. McCain believes that Sarah Palin will do very well, against Joe Biden, during Thursday's one and only debate for the Vice Presidential nominees.

The debate will be moderated by PBS's Gwen Ifill.

Palin has faced criticism for her performance during recent interviews with Katie Couric.

In the two separate interviews, Palin had trouble defending McCain's record on regulation issues, discussing the economic bailout, defining her foreign policy credentials, naming her preferred sources of news, and naming a Supreme Court case she disagrees with.

As usual you can watch the debate live with your laptop via CNN Live Feeds, in a couple of hours from now.

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