Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση - Ένα Παγκόσμιο Νόμισμα

Τον περασμένο Νοέμβριο οι πολιτικοί αρχηγοί συναντήθηκαν για να συζητήσουν την διεθνή οικονομία με πρωτοβουλία του George W. Bush.

Η διεφθαρμένη Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, ζήτησε και επιμένει σε ένα διεθνές νόμισμα.

Τότε δεν δώσαμε ιδιαίτερη σημασία αλλά σήμερα που εντελώς τυχαία διαβάσαμε την ανακοίνωση... αντιληφθήκαμε κάποια πράγματα και αν θέλετε συγκρίνετε τη με την παρακάτω δική μας ερμηνεία.

1. Now that the growth of debt and derivatives bubbles has stalled, we are committed to using governmental-central bank mechanisms to cover the positions of any of the large private financial institutions whose profits are at risk due to their management of these bubbles and who can use this opportunity to squeeze and acquire smaller rivals at low cost.
2. Our commitment to use derivatives and market interventions to shift investment from the real economy and commodities into a paper economy is firm. We will continue to use centralized governmental mechanisms to subsidize and manage this process.
3. All of the organizations and players who reaped a fortune engineering the debt and derivatives bubbles will be allowed to keep their winnings.
4. We will use this period of consolidation to further centralize the global financial system by enforcing greater centralization of the standards, practices and control of enforcement and regulatory bureaucracies. This increased governmental centralization will be presented as the “fix” for our “problems.”
5. We will continue the move toward one world government and one world currency.
6. We are prepared to use coordinated inflation of global money supplies and fiscal stimulus to protect our control and positions.
7. We are committed to the Slow Burn
8. This process will continue to be managed to protect large insurance and risk positions.
9. The net result will be to continue to exercise growing control over the real economy by a handful of private families and institutions designed to protect and grow intergenerational wealth.

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Δείτε τι λέει ο José Manuel Barroso στο τέλος του video.

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